Tag: Year 9

GCSE students shine at The King Alfred School

22nd August 2024

Year 11 students at The King Alfred School (KAS) could not contain their excitement today after achieving an impressive set of GCSE results. Well over half (55.4%) of grades earned…

Sports Day 2024

28th June 2024

The King Alfred School Sports Day took place at the StoneX Stadium for the second year running. It was fantastic to take students from Years 6 – 10 to the…

Acing it in Athletics

12th June 2024

After the Summer Half Term break, 50 KAS students between Years 5-9 travelled to Bedford International Stadium to compete in the Regional ISA North London Athletics competition. There were some…

Creating Stories in English

4th June 2024

The English Department have been busy with a number of different projects with Years 7, 8 and 9 this Summer Term.

Students Sparkle in Speeches for LAMDA

8th May 2024

This year Year 9 students were all offered the opportunity to participate in public speaking exams with LAMDA. Even those who chose not to take the exam still worked on…

British Science Week 2024

21st March 2024

Students have had a wonderful opportunity to celebrate British Science Week with a selection of workshops over the last week or so. We welcomed a Explorer Dome to the school…

Year 9 Model UN Conference

1st February 2024

Year 9 held a model UN conference to mirror the COP 28 climate conference that took place in the UAE last November. Students had been learning about the theory and…

Year 9 Make Art Wearable

18th January 2024

Year 9 had a brilliant day creating abstract pieces of wearable art at the start of the term. Using wooden structures and different types of materials, the students worked in…

Students Reflect on WWI in Belgium

23rd November 2023

This November, Year 9 visited the battlefields in Ypres and the Somme for two days. They stood along the front line of trenches and imagined themselves in the same situations…

Sports On The Rise At KAS

20th November 2023

It has been fantastic to see an increased uptake in sports so far this academic year at KAS. We have had some incredible numbers joining our clubs and the PE…

Where Next?