Reception students building with blocks

Entry at 4+


There are 40 places available each year in our two Reception classes, 20 children in each class. After returning a Reception Entry Application form, and paying the fee to register with the school, the child’s name will be added to the waiting list for their year of entry. The date of registration in relation to the child’s date of birth is an important consideration.

The Admission process – visits

In the Autumn Term of the year before the children are due to start Reception, the first 40 children on the waiting list (in terms of how old the children were when they were registered) are invited in for a visit to the school, in small groups, and their parents are invited for a talk with Karen, our Head of Lower School.

Reserve group visits take place in the Spring Term before September entry.

Places are offered after the visits, until the 40 places have been accepted.

Student holding a worm and yellow text reading JOY SPACE STRUCTURE DEPTH

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