Acing it in Athletics

12th June 24

After the Summer Half Term break, 50 KAS students between Years 5-9 travelled to Bedford International Stadium to compete in the Regional ISA North London Athletics competition.

There were some brilliant results, with 13 students ending the day on the podium in their events, and we had amazing success as overall Year group teams. The Year 7 girls team came 1st place (with a massive 84 points!), Year 5 boys came 3rd and the Year 8/9 girls team placing 2nd.

It was also fantastic to hear that some students also qualified to represent North London at Nationals, held in Birmingham later in the term. Congratulations to Luca B (Year 5), Lola W (Year 7), Sierra K (Year 7), Vivian S (Year 7) and Ellie L (Year 8)!

Well done to all those who participated at the competition and to all the staff that supported our students during their preparations and the event itself.

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