Tag: experiential learning

Return To Namibia For Year 11

22nd September 2022

As a school we have a long relationship with the charity EHRA in Namibia and groups of students have been visiting to volunteer in local schools and to experience the…

Reception Visitors Talk Pets, Patrol Cars and Proper Brushing

23rd March 2022

Our Reception children have been looking at people, culture and communities and as part of their Inquiry top of ‘Superheroes in our Community’ they’ve been lucky enough to have some…

Willow Wonder Wall

24th February 2022

Design Technology technician Chris Raymond has been working with students from Years 6 and 7 to create this beautiful living willow hedge which will form the entrance to the treehouse….

Year 7 Students Are Spaced Out!

26th January 2022

A short short time ago, in a galaxy not so far away, the Science Department took the Year 7s for a lovely trip to Greenwich Observatory, as they have recently…

Y7 Exhibition: A New Way Of Learning

24th January 2022

This year we have begun to introduce an innovative new curriculum for Years 6-8. Our Year 7 students have just completed their first full Term experiencing this innovative and balanced…

Hatching Plans With Year 2

12th January 2022

Year 2 had some new names on the register last term; Brian and Wilder two newly hatched Frizzle Chicks. Students hatched the chicks in school, and they spent their first…

Where Next?