Putting on a Callover (the KAS word for assembly) is a daunting prospect for our younger students (and some of our older ones!) – but Year 1 not only braved…
To celebrate the end of term our Reception Teachers and TAs hosted the second annual BubbleFest! Reception teacher Emma explained the day: “BubbleFest started last year when we returned after…
Head of Lower School, Karen welcomed parents to a virtual Open Morning recently. Along with Head, Robert and students Rani and Oliver from Year 6 they talked about the ethos…
For their non-fiction inquiry writing task, the children in Year 2 are learning about natural habitats and the organisms that live within them. They used their non-fiction reading and writing skills to create Top Trumps cards all about living organisms.
Students in Adele and Sophie’s Y6 classes have been creating beautiful poems full of characters.
Across the Lower School – imagination and creativity were on display when the students chose their favourite book characters to dress up as. World Book Day is always an excuse…