Lower School Make Pledges During Earth Day

26th April 24

Our Lower School started the second week into Summer Term celebrating Earth Day. Students demonstrated their support for environmental protection through several different gestures.

From Reception to Year 6, students were encouraged to come into school wearing blue and green clothing. Then, at the start of the day, students sat down to create their own special pledges on what they would do to try and be more environmentally friendly.

Throughout the day, classes had different activities to get involved with to create further awareness about the Earth. Year 3 investigated different trees and the textures of bark, as well as what animals may live on/within them and the shape of the leaves. They also did some observational drawing of plants and flowers before labelling them. Year 1, meanwhile, made miniature Earths out of felt in Art; small enough to hold in their hands, just like the future of our actual Earth!

For the rest of the week, members of the Lower School have manned a station outside the Main Hall, encouraging passing parents, students and staff to write their own pledges and pin them on a board for all to see.

It has been a brilliant time and we are certain a lot has been learnt by our Lower School students!

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