KAS Education On Film

13th November 23

As a School we are proud to be part of Big Education’s Next Big 10 Project. It’s a two year whole school transformation project for schools who want to develop innovative education practices alongside like-minded schools, and to shout louder about the possibility of doing education differently.

We have staff from across the School who meet regularly with like-minded peers from other schools to share ideas and information and, as part of this, Big Education have made films about two of our signature practices to help us spread the word about what we do differently and how other schools can take our ideas and run with them.

First up is a fabulous film about the engaging approach to education which we use in the Early Years to empower our students and build essential skills like resilience, collaboration & communication. Enquiry based learning sets a strong foundation for lifelong learning and in this film you can meet some of the students who benefit from it and the teachers who are expertly delivering it.

A key event in the journey of our students through Upper School is The Village Project which takes place in the Summer of Year 8. During Village week the students construct their own community within the school grounds. Living in shelters which they have constructed and free to choose from the activities on offer the aim is to give our young people trust and autonomy. By offering them freedom to explore their identities and develop essential skills for the future The Village is often a transformative experience and something which students benefit from long after the last campfire has gone out. 

Huge thanks to the team from Schools On Screen (Madeleine and Steve) who took the time to talk to so many of the staff and students to really get a full picture of how these practices shape the experience of students and how the ideas behind them can be adopted in different school environments.

Where Next?