Year 3 Collaborate On A Brilliant-Body Callover

9th May 23

Year 3 informed and entertained the rest of Lower School with their production of ‘The Body Show’ and it all began back in March when a mysterious letter arrived in their classrooms.

Since that moment, the children have been organising, writing, designing, choreographing and making props and costumes, all the while gaining a deeper understanding of the power of collaboration. The students applied for different roles, either performing or as part of the backstage crew, using their writing and presentation skills to bring their letters to life. Once roles were allocated, students had to take responsibility for their area, if that was scripts, props or other planning roles, they worked with their teachers (rather than being told exactly what to do by those teachers) and the end result was stunning.

Head of Lower School, Karen, said: “Their final piece showcased how confident and proud the children were of their learning. They had been given responsibility to create something special and they worked hard to do just that. We were treated to a red blood cell ballet and a battle between white blood cells and some very tough biker-jacket-clad viruses. We watched some innocent apples come up against teeth, saliva, a tricky oesophagus and small and large intestines before ultimately ending up in the toilet!

The quick fire communication between parts of the nervous system made us all laugh as the brain, eyes, nose, hands and feet managed to work together to get breakfast for a very hungry tummy!”

Where Next?