Year 3 Health Tech Project

28th February 23

Step counters

Year 3 recently took part in an interdisciplinary project to explore how we can use technology to encourage us to stay healthy.

The students were tasked with creating step counters, which gave them the opportunity to develop their coding, textiles, design, public speaking, and PE skills.

students working on step counters

Felix told us that the students started by “programming on a computer so that every time you shook your wrist, the step counter would count on a step.”

After downloading their code to micro:bits funded by KASparents, Felix told us “We sewed to make a strap. Then we put it on, and we had it for a week. At break and at PE we could count how many steps we did.”

Penelope told us she enjoyed the project because “computer programming is really cool.”

Felix told us he is looking forward to using the coding skills he’s learnt to create more projects in the future.

girl wearing step counter

Some of the students had the opportunity to present their step counters to KASparents. Felix and Penelope told us that even though they were a little nervous, they enjoyed presenting their projects because “it made us feel proud and important.”

Where Next?