Bringing Science to Life

25th January 23

King Alfred Lower School students have been busy experimenting in their Tuesday after-school Science Club!

Teachers wanted to bring more fun to science and give students more practical experience as Upper School Biology teacher Ali told us: “In science lessons we normally just do ‘whizz, pop, bang’ experiments as an introduction to topics, but you don’t get to do it all the time. Science Club is an opportunity to be purely ‘whizz, pop, bang’.”

While the main focus of Science Club is hands-on experiments – like making slime as pictured here – the teachers always give the students the scientific explanation behind their experiments.

This after school club is for students in Years 5 & 6 so gives them a great insight to a subject they’ll study more closely once they move to the Upper School.

We braved the slime to asked students which experiments they have enjoyed the most.

Eva’s favourite has been “making paper aeroplanes and seeing who could get the furthest.”

Another student told us his favourite has been using sticks and blue tack “to make house structures to see if they could survive an earthquake.”

On top of science club, KAS students can choose from a wide variety of extra-curricular activities to have fun and develop new skills. Clubs for the Lower School include Mandarin Language and Culture, Stage Academy, Ballet, Coding, Lego Engineering, Street Dance, Ceramics, and Creative Writing.

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