Peaceful Thoughts

20th January 21

Drawing of the earth, two people shaking hands, and religious symbols

The Y6 inquiry topic this half term is ‘Peace & War’ and they’ve been creating some amazing artwork as part of the project.

To introduce the subject, Adele’s class were visited over zoom by Salima (Elodie’s mum), who talked to  about her experiences visiting Kashmir during the 1999 conflict as part of a University work placement with the BBC New Delhi bureau.

Adele said: “The children were engrossed in her stories about hearing gunfire and wearing body armour. We had a great discussion about the complexities of war, helping us to kick-start our inquiry topic of Peace and War.”

Student reactions:

Maisie: “Salima told us she had to wear bulletproof clothing to protect her. I found that really scary.”

Alfie: “Salima said she was very far away but the sound of the fighting was still very loud and in the night she could see gunfire – that sounded particularly scary.”

Peaceful Paintings

Students in both classes have been looking at what peace means to different people (including themselves) and producing beautiful works of art to express their feelings.

They have also been looking at the Artists for Peace project and creating their own peace-inspired pictures to be displayed on an art-wall when we return to site.

Where Next?