Facing the future – Year 6

28th April 20

Clay sculptures

Before the school buildings were closed, some Lower School students created some amazing sculptures. Y6 teacher Sophie describes the atmosphere which surrounded their creation.

“This group art work was created by the ‘Last Men Standing’ before lockdown began. We had planned a day of clay work in the style of Honore Daumier, but as the weeks went by fewer and fewer people turned up to school. So on the last day before we moved to KAS Connected learning from home, those of us who were left did the portraits.

The feeling that day was weirdly euphoric – students and teachers working together around one large table was therapeutic for us all. We felt a strong sense of solidarity, very much that we were the last men standing, the ones who had made it to ‘the end’, and somehow this in itself was an achievement. So these portraits represent those of us left in Year 6 by the end, as well as our original intention, to create an homage to the wonderful characters of Honore Daumier.”  (NB the pieces are unfired because this is how we left it at the end of the last day.)

Where Next?