Artists impressions

30th September 19

In the Main Hall of the school there are some new artworks on display. One of the lovely new additions are a plethora of plaster casts by our new Y7 students.

At the end of Y6 the teachers and children thought it would be a good idea to reflect on their time in Lower School, as they would soon be moving on to new adventures in the Upper School. Armed with sketchbooks and drawing materials, the pupils set out to make observational drawings of the Lower School environment. They were asked to reflect and to focus on areas in the school where they felt a connection.

Some children chose to focus on areas in the playground, others wanted to explore elements in their classrooms. Some children felt that they wanted to express the importance of friendships in school. Each child then went on to make impressions of their chosen subject by pressing clay onto its surface, thus making a mould. Plaster was then poured into the moulds to make a cast.

Assembled in frames, the plaster casts are a collective memory of Lower School. A beautiful celebration of the memories made at The King Alfred School.

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