Salamanca trip is an Easter treat

8th May 19

Over the first week of the Easter holidays teachers Camilla, Izzy and Ander took 21 YR10 students to the Spanish city of Salamanca for six days. Students stayed in small groups with Spanish families, attended lessons every morning and attended cultural activities in the afternoons.

Highlights of the trip included a visit to Salamanca’s University, cooking our own tortilla, sampling a salsa class, eating chocolate con churros and spending time in Salamanca’s beautiful cathedral.

Here’s student Liberty’s write up of the trip:

Durante las vacaciones de Pascua, fuimos a Salamanca para ayudarnos a aprender español. Fue una semana de actividades divertidas e interesantes, para sumergirnos en el idioma y la cultura española. Fue una oportunidad increíble y lo pasé genial. El colegio fue muy interesante, y aprendí mucho, dado que incluso en casa hablamos español con nuestras familias. Comí muchas tapas deliciosas, sin embargo mi comida favorita fue chocolate con churros por supuesto. La cuidad es muy encantadora, y hay muchos lugares para visitar, por ejemplo, la Universidad de Salamanca y el Museo del Automóvil. También, aprendimos cocinar Tortilla que es un plato tradicional español, y Sangría sin alcohol.

Muchas gracias a los profesores por llevarnos en un viaje increíble y lo bueno es que esto me ayudará mucho para mi GCSE Español!

And for those of you who’s Spanish is a tad rusty, here it is in English: 

During the Easter Holidays, we went to Salamanca to help us learn Spanish. It was a week of fun and interesting activities to help submerge us in the Spanish language and culture. It was an incredible opportunity and I had a great time. The school was very interesting and I learnt a lot, seeing as later at home we spoke Spanish with the families we were living with. I ate lots of delicious tapas, however my favourite food was the chocolate con churros of course. The city was really lovely, with lots of places to visit, for example the University of Salamanca and the Car museum. Also we learnt to cook Spanish tortilla and make Sangria.

Lot of thanks to the teachers for taking us on an incredible trip and the good thing is that it will help me a lot for my Spanish GCSE.

Liberty P, YR10  

It was a very successful trip and the students improved their Spanish but also had great fun! A big thank you to the pupils, and of course Camilla and Izzy, for helping make this trip so enjoyable. 

Ander Fraser, Spanish teacher

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