French drama festival: student report

2nd April 19

From the 28th to the 31st March, eight students from King Alfred School, along with teachers Lynn and Lucy, headed to France to take part in an International Schools Theatre Association (ISTA) festival.

Natalya and Georgia from YR9 went on the trip so we asked them to tell us about the experience.

KAS students met at 5am on Thursday at Heathrow Airport before boarding a flight to Toulouse and taking a three-hour coach ride to the venue.

The festival was being held in Pau, a town in the Gascony area of France, near Bordeaux and Toulouse. Accommodation-wise, each pair of students stayed with a host family in the family’s home.

On the trip, Natalya and Georgia learnt dramatic skills that they would use for the performance they were learning and would perform at the end of the trip to parents and peers.

The schedule was very busy, with things going on at all hours, which meant the girls had no time to revise for any of the exams or the upcoming KAS Model United Nations conference.

This isn’t the first time King Alfred School has been involved with ISTA with both Natalya and Georgia returning for a second time.  Georgia said, “the first time I went was better because there were more people from my year. I loved staying with the families though wished I could have stayed nearer to my friends.”

Natalya said, “it’s nice to meet people on a camp like ISTA because you know that the people on that trip have some of the same interests as you. I would definitely recommend this trip, even if you aren’t interested in drama, because it is a great place to meet new people. We are still in contact with some of the people we met on our first ISTA trip.”

Words: George and Emma YR9

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