The Period [.] Campaign

26th June 18

Period Campaign



A New KAS Club: The Society of Equals 

This year we decided to restart “Feminism and Gender Equality Club”, which had been on hiatus. After much discussion about what we wanted the club to be and how to make it accessible to all, we decided to broaden the subject to include other issues outside of gender, or that overlap with gender, such as homelessness, mental health, everyday sexism and LGBT issues.

In honour of this decision we renamed the club “Society of Equals.” 

The Period [.] Campaign

We’re proud to announce our first fundraising and awareness building initiative: “Period.”

“Period.” is our first campaign and it shows only one issue “Society of Equals” is trying to tackle: Period Poverty. Period poverty is the term we have given the saddening fact that 1 in 10 girls is unable to afford sanitary products, and are forced to use less hygienic options, such as newspaper.

Our initiative will collect feminine hygiene products to donate locally to Brent Food Bank. We will also fund-raise in aid of Freedom4Girls, a great charity that supplies reusable sanitary products to girls in need both overseas and in the UK.

Period Campaign Week, Monday 2 July – Friday 7 July

Join our campaign the week of Monday 2 July to Friday 7 July. We will run an info stand in the main hall at lunch where you can find out more about this important issue. Come collect campaign material such as posters and stickers to share!

A donation box will be available all week for dropping off new, unopened boxes of feminine hygiene products.

Big Campaign Day, Thursday 5 July: On Thursdays We Wear Pink!

Our big campaign day is Thursday 5 July. Wear pink and donate £1 to go to Freedom4Girls. We’ll be collecting at the gates and watching for your best pink outfit. Remember “On Thursdays we wear pink!”

You can also drop off donations of feminine hygiene products on Thursday – we’ll be ready to recieve them! The sanitary products we collect will be donated to the Brent Food Bank, which will then be collected by those who need them in our local area. This is just a small step, but it paves the road to one day ending period poverty.

Get involved!

Wan to help out? Visit us in the lunch hall on Monday to volunteer. And join the Society of Equals, every Thursday 1:30 in Geography 2!

Thanks for supporting the Period [.] Campaign!

Alma and the Society of Equals

Where Next?