World Book Day in Upper School

8th March 18


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Upper School celebrated World Book Day on Thursday 1 March with a focus on Charles Dickens.

The main event of the day was a talk by Gerald Dickens, the great great grandson of Charles Dickens. Gerald is an actor who specialises in performances based on the life and work of his famous ancestor.

Key Stage 3 students were invited to attend the talk, which was organised by Alex, Head of English and her department. It was a lively, entertaining, and informative talk which was thoroughly enjoyed by students and staff alike.

All students in attendance received a copy of Great Expectations to take home and read.

Visitors to the Upper School library will notice a new Dickens display board and a collection of all our favourite Dickens novels ready to be checked out! Want to read some Dickens but not sure where to start? As librarian Lili for a recommendation!


A Dickens of a Quiz

Test your Dickens knowledge with our World Book Day Quiz!

1. What was Charles Dickens’ first published novel?

2. In what year did “A Christmas Carol” appear?

3. What novel begins “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”?

4. What is Pip’s full name in “Great Expectations”?

5. Where can you find Poet’s Corner and visit Dickens’ grave?


Answers: 1. The Pickwick Papers, 2. 1843 3. A Tale of Two Cities 4. Philip Pirrip 5. Westminster Abbey 

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