KASS Conference “The Adolescent and the Phone” October 2017

15th June 17

Kass conference

The Adolescent and the phone

Is the ever present phone a boon or a blight?

What’s being lost? What’s being gained?

How we deal with phones at school and at home is one of the most pressing issues of our time. We worry more and more about the hold of the phone on our teenagers, our younger ones and ourselves. Join us on October 14th to grapple with this urgent issue. Hear the research from the experts in the morning, join lively debate in the afternoon, and come away with your own conclusions.

Guest Speakers:

Sonia Livingstone OBE
Professor of Social Psychology, teacher and researcher in the Department of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics, author of 20 books on how people engage with the changing media landscape, many of them about children.

John Carr OBE
John Carr is one of the world’s leading authorities on children’s and young people’s use of the internet and associated new technologies. He writes and consults about internet safety and security.

Dr Richard Graham
Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist and founder of the UK’s first dedicated Technology Addiction Service for Young People at the Nightingale Hospital, London.

Erin Cotter
Filmmaker and founder of the Reconnect Project, a screen-awareness initiative that promotes a balance of online and offline activities.

Sandra Leaton Gray & Andy Phippen
Sandra Leaton Gray, Senior Lecturer in Education at UCL and Andy Phippen, Professor of Children and Technology at Plymouth University, are joint authors of a recently published book on digital privacy for children based on a number of research studies over the past ten years.

Kathy Crewe-Read 
Mathematician, currently Head of Wolverhampton Grammar School, who believes schools should embrace mobile technology and take their part in preparing young people for a techno-savvy world.

For tickets go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/kass-conference-2017-the-adolescent-and-the-phone-tickets-35024304638#tickets

KAS Parents & Alumni Early Bird £55 before 12 July
KAS parents & Alumni     £65 from 13 July
All other Delegates £75


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