Students studying under Squirrel Hall

Jo Tang

Jo Tang

First Elected/ Appointed: 2023

About: For me, King Alfred School is the only independent school I have felt any kind of affinity with. I feel a strong attachment to the School and its community – even more so now that we have moved to the area to be closer, and I have a son who attends the School. We were drawn by KAS’ progressive spirit and the happy, forward-thinking, natural environment it offers.  

I was a member of my children’s former state school’s governing board and found it rewarding and insightful, which is why I wanted to make a similar contribution to KAS. I hope my being part of Council helps further the progression, particularly in regards to diversity, equity and inclusion matters, which is something I am passionate about.  

My background has been mainly in education in various roles in private and state sectors, overseas and in the UK. These roles range from excluded children’s teaching assistant to an International English Language Testing System instructor. I believe a broad range of environments has helped me gain valuable insight into what makes a happy, successful learning environment. I hope my time on Council will reflect and build on my experience navigating these very different spheres to take KAS’ legacy beyond its 125th year. 

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