Children’s Mental Health Week 2024

9th February 24

This year, Children’s Mental Health Week took place from Monday 5 to Friday 9 February with the theme My Voice Matters. The School ensures, throughout the year, that our students feel that their voices are being heard through different forums such as School Six (involving Sixth Form representatives), Pupil Council (Lower School, Year 3 upwards) and Student Voice (Upper School).

Over the course of this week, it’s been a great opportunity to further highlight to our students just how important it is to look after your mental health. The week began with a Callover for Year 7, given by Heidi in Year 12 who is a member of School Six. Heidi spoke to Year 7 what they could do to support their mental health, discussed the stigma surrounding it and how someone struggling with their mental health may not show it.

There were several speakers welcomed across our year groups. Year 11 had a talk on sleep by Dr Irshaad Ebrahim, Year 12 heard from The Roots Programme and Year 13 listened to Solutions Not Sides. KASparents also organised an in-person talk for parents about Teenage Pressures & How to Support which was held by Everyone’s Invited.

During tutor time, students in Years 6-8 participated in a number of wellbeing activities which took place all over Manor Wood. There was Lego building and bead jewellery making in the 6-8 Building; campfire and singing at the back of the amphitheatre; shirt-tie dye and nail painting on the Science floor; music band and dancing on the Drama and Music floor, as well as wood whittling in the Middle School common room and crystal singing bowls in one of the Year 6 classrooms.

It was a brilliant week of highlighting how important it is to look after your mental health and to take time to do the things that you enjoy most.

Click on the pictures below to see more!

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