KAS 125 Bunting Competition

30th March 23

With the KAS 125 event fast approaching we are making some bunting to showcase and celebrate the past 125 years at KAS, but we need your help!


We are inviting members of the KAS Community to design, sew and submit bunting flag(s) which either represent your years at KAS, mark the 125th birthday, or represent the school colours.

There will be prizes for the best flags, and for the most amount of flags submitted.

This is the pattern to use so that we end up with consistently sized bunting!

All submitted flags will be sewn together, and the final piece will be displayed on 24th June at the 125 Anniversary party.

If you wish to take part, please place your flag(s) in an envelope and leave it/ them at front of house, by 12th May, for the attention of Pauline.

Good luck and we look forward to receiving your entries!

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