GCSE Art On The Page

28th September 22

Last year’s GCSE cohort produced a beautiful catalogue to showcase their work over the course of their studies. It brings together some of the best of their work with the addition of a personal statement explaining some of their ideas.

Head of Art, Will said, “Each student responded to two separate themes over the two years of the course – Order/Disorder and Transformations, building a body of research and then developing their ideas towards an outcome or series of outcomes.

The result is some of the most experimental and creatively ambitious work we have seen at GCSE for many years. As you will see from the work the students have explored a really wide ranging set of ideas, and have investigated their ideas with tenacity and growing imaginative confidence. The work spans the traditional to the conceptual (with a generous sprinkling of gourds!?)”

Art is a subject where students can take their ideas in any direction they choose, share their interests, and make links with their Science, History, or English studies. To engage on this level, while juggling eight other subjects, is extremely challenging, but wonderful to witness when it happens.

The Art Department were incredibly impressed with the commitment and level of engagement shown by the whole cohort and remain immensely proud of their achievements. It was a huge collaborative effort often involving families (lots of great photoshoots), other creative departments in the school and loads of support for each other. The learning and the creative risk taking was phenomenal.

We hope you enjoy looking through the work – it’s been awesome!

Where Next?