Music, Music, Everywhere!

24th March 22

Music Concerts March 2022

Students from Y6 upwards took part in one of the regular informal concerts in the Music Department earlier this month. The concerts, hosted by our fabulous team of music teachers, give students a chance to hone their performance skills and get used to playing in front of an audience. Here Piano teacher Sophie accompanies a student on the violin.

With ABRSM exams taking place for students across Upper and Lower School at the end of March – the concerts are a great way for students to prepare.

We also caught a rehearsal of the school’s Jazz Band who were getting ready for the Upper School Spring Concert in the last week of term.

Music is part of the timetable for all students at KAS and there are countless opportunities for students to get involved in cocurricular choirs and bands which give them the chance to enjoy performing, and to mix with students from other year groups.

As Spring arrives, the sound of music drifting out of the windows of the Music and Drama Department puts a skip in everyone’s step.

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