It’s All Greek for Year 7

24th February 22

Year 7 Creativity Week Medusa

Year 7 took a step back in time for their Greek-themed creativity week. They stepped away from their normal lessons to take part in a variety of different activities which were all linked by the myth of Medusa.

They learnt about the Ancient Greeks and the variety of ways they’ve contributed to Western civilisation. They then spent time thinking about mythology and produced some creative writing around the Medusa myth.

As part of the introductory work they have also learnt about depictions of Greek myths and all painted a pot.

Students then got to choose how they spent the rest of the week. Picking from: art, drama, music, ICT and theatre tech they then split into groups and spent the rest of the week working towards a multi-media celebration on the Friday.

In art we saw them creating scary Medusa inspired faces from clay, the twist? They couldn’t look at their sculptures while they were making them – they put the clay and their hands inside a bag and sculpted using only their sense of touch. The resulting scary sculptures were mounted on a pole.

In drama they were working on a performance based on the myth and students who had selected music were composing original music to convey the story.

Over in the Phoenix a group of students were learning about theatre lighting and sound and stage management ready to host the performances.

In ICT the students were coding games with Medusa as the ultimate boss level baddie. Alfie and Seth told us: “We’re working together on a game which we’re designing in Scratch. On each level the character will gain different skills and at the end he battles Medusa.”

The aim is to make the learning fun and to allow students to express the things they’ve learned in a way that they enjoy.

Where Next?