Game on for Year 9 Biologists

30th April 20

Biology Ecology Games

In Year 9 the students were given a two week project looking at Ecology. The the games they created are brain-boosting-boredom-busters.

Biology teacher, Ryan said: “Students have diligently studied the topic independently at home, working through a range of activities in order to learn about food chains, food webs, pyramids of number and pyramids of biomass. They were then given a brief to design a game based on this topic. We have truly been blown away by the effort put in by all of our students and their ingenuity in designing their games.”

Visit our Facebook page to see a video of Tilly demonstrating her game. Here are some of the other ingenious inventions.

Part of the intricate card battling game designed by Luca


Josie turned Ecology into Monopoly


The cards for Josie’s Ecosystem Monopoly


In this game by Eva you have to answer questions on Ecology correctly to go up or avoid going down in a rainshower.


Cecilia designed an Ecology game based on Ludo


Anna added some lovely illustrations to her Ecology Monopoly


Alicia based her Ecology game around Articulate

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